Blue Star Mothers Newsletter, Vol. 2, Issue 3 (October 2016)
Our community’s continued generosity is touching and proof of the patriotic spirit in the Greater Miami Valley. It is especially notable when you consider that less than 1/2% of our country’s population have a connection with military service. Because of this generosity, our chapter can continue our mission to support that heroic 1/2%. Most people don’t realize that our military do not get issued everything they need when they get deployed and it is impossible to buy soap from a foxhole in some sandy bad place. So when we have the information, BSM tries to fill that gap. Recent negative publicity had put a temporary spot light on some of our veterans issues, but all too often does not include ways our community can help. Soon the sensationalism fades and it is organizations like Blue Star Mothers and our chapter who continue bringing some sunshine & help to the lives of local veterans. It’s up to us and our supporters to educate the public on the sacrifices of our military and their families. Our chapter cannot undertake these challenges alone-we do not have the resources. We function completely on donations of goods, money and time. So we are incredibly grateful to all of our donors and grant providers. You are helping to make heroes, past and present, smile. Thank you so much.
Parkas 4 Patriots Rollout October 23, 2016 funded in part by a Greenlight Grant through the Dayton Foundation
We recently transitioned to a new officer board with elections having happened on August 8th and installation on September 10th. Our outgoing officers are Tammy-President, Kim-1st VP, Penny-2nd VP, Becky-3rd VP, Cindy-Treasurer, Tina-Financial Sec, Linda-Recording Sec, Sara-Troop Support, Kendra-Troop Center Assistant, Barb-Corresponding Sec, Carolyn-Chaplain & Golf Coordinator, Angela-Sgt at Arms, Vicki-Historian, Heather-Hospitality, and Susan-VA Coordinator. As you can see, it takes group effort to keep our mission vital and ongoing. These women, along with their families, have done a tremendous job in the past year or two. 5 have agreed to continue on in the appointed officer roles for which we are very grateful because their experiences will help to make life easier for all of us. Although some of our newly elected officers have previously held elected positions, all of our elected officers will be first timers in their new roles. We rely so much on the shared experiences and historical knowledge of our past presidents. For that reason we recognize Tammy for the outstanding job she has done for the past 2 years. She started off in the President’s role not really knowing what was going to come at her. She learned quickly and over the past 2 years has helped put into place systems which will continue to guide our chapter. Tammy has been a good representative for our members and has been an excellent role model of professionalism, integrity, compassion and dedication. In short-all the attributes of a good mom. Our chapter’s continued success is not in a small way due to her efforts. Our goal will be to continue on the excellent systems and procedures which she put into place and helped us refine.
We welcome our new incoming officers and will endeavor to assist them as they take our chapter’s mission forward into the next year. Thank you ladies for stepping forward when called upon. Our new officers are: Kim-President, Becky-1st VP, Tina-2nd VP, Mary-3rd VP, Nicole-Treasurer, Crystal-Financial Sec, Cathy-Recording Sec, Sara-Troop Support, Kendra-Troop Center Assistant, Barb-Corresponding Sec, Carolyn-Chaplain & Golf Coordinator, Devon-Sgt at Arms, Ashley-Historian, Kathy & Penny-Hospitality, and Susan-VA Coordinator.
Troop Center Location
6661 Clyo Road, Centerville, OH 45459
Upcoming Events:
- Oct 29th: Treats 4 Troops, 10 am – 2 pm at the Troop Center
- Nov 5th: Honor Flight Welcome Home
- Nov 5th: Buckminns D & D Harley Davidson “Stuff the Truck” event, 11 am – 3 pm
- Nov 7th: Officers Meeting, 6:30 pm
- Nov 12th: Cabela’s “Honoring Our Veterans” at the new Centerville Cabelas, starting at 10:00 am
- Nov 14th: Chapter Meeting, 6:30 pm
- Nov 19th: Annual Stocking Stuffing, 9 am- 3 pm at the Troop Center
- Nov 20th: VA Bingo, 11:30 am at Dayton VA, Bldg. 305
- Dec 5th, Officers Meeting, 6:30 pm
- Dec 10th, Army-Navy Football Game
- Dec 12th, Chapter Meeting, 6:30 pm
- Dec 18th: VA Bingo, 11:30 am at the Dayton VA, Bldg. 305