
Thank you very much for the care packages that we received from your organization. They are much appreciated. We share all of the care packages at our Resiliency Tent where Soldiers come in to relax, visit with the chaplain, etc. We have about 300 Soldiers in our unit. Male and female. We do have access to a PX. I can’t say we desperately need any particular supplies, but the following list are things that we could definitely use:

Healthy Snacks (low sodium Trail Mix, Dried Fruit, etc) Meal Replacement Bars (Cliff Bars, Power Bars, etc) Beef Jerky Peel and Stick Name Badge Labels (for some classes we teach) Lifesaver candy or breath mints Shaving Gel Cans/packages of coffee (Dunkin Donuts, Maxwell House, etc)

Thanks very much!,
Chaplain C