Hello Blue Star Mothers,

I want to thank you all so very much for the wonderful goodie boxes you sent us recently.  I opened them up today and was thrilled!!!  The snack items are truly wonderful and sooo needed.  The guys were taking things before I could hardly put them in the canvas container.  Thank you all so much for these.  Also I was SOOO excited to open up the box with the hand made Christmas cloth tissue holders/tissues.  They are GORGEOUS!!!!!  I used to sew so I truly love these.  We were so excited to see that they are in Christmas fabric too!  We are saving them to give out here at Christmas time.  You just don’t know how much everyone loves these.  And I sure had fun looking at all the pretty fabrics!

Thank you all for thinking of us over here.  We truly appreciate everything you all send us.

Take good care,


Judy S., Center Operations Specialist

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